Overwhelmed and Anxious

My boyfriend and I are taking a big step and are looking to buy a house together.

I’m absolutely terrified that I’m going to mess up this process. I’m overwhelmed by all the steps it takes to make this happen like getting pre-approved for a mortgage and setting up house tours.

I am afraid of everything that has to go into this process. I feel like I am going to mess everything up for myself and him. That by the end of it I will have ruined our credit scores, destroyed our relationship, get screwed over and be given a ridiculously high mortgage payment.

I have been rather calm lately but now that we have started this process I can’t help but ruminate on the possibly that I will f*ck it all up. That all of the stuff that can go wrong, will go wrong and it will be all my fault.

I’m not adult enough for this. I’m not smart enough to make the best decisions.

Right now I feel like a child who is getting in way over her head.

What if I ruin everything? I can’t repair a credit score or a relationship if I’ve done serious damage to it. I’m so afraid of failing.



  1. I am sorry there’s so much chaos inside right now. One thing that helped me
    Was constantly changing the question from “what if I fail” to “how can I succeed” it changes focus from seeing and seeking problems to being open to solutions. Either way, you’re not alone. I’m getting ready to move across country and overwhelmed and confused are a constant! Good luck chica, I think you’ll be just fine.

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  2. Buying a home for the first time is so scary! My advice would be to make sure you include a home inspection as a subject in your contract, and consider locking in your mortgage rate for the first couple years to avoid surprises.

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    1. It is scary! Thank you for the tips! An inspection and a fixed rate definitely sound like the best options. Any other advice you have I would very much appreciate 🙂

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